On the Blog: Pelvic Floor Prep For Birth

Pelvic Floor Prep for Birth: Why It’s Essential and How It Benefits You

Taking care of your pelvic floor is vital for overall health, especially during pregnancy and birth. Whether you're unable to attend face-to-face antenatal classes or want to strengthen your pelvic floor, focusing on this key area can make a world of difference to a smoother birth experience and recovery. Pelvic Floor Prep for Birth is designed to help guide you through this process, so you can take charge of your pelvic health.

What is the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that form a sling under the pelvis. These muscles support the pelvic organs and help control vital functions such as using your bladder or bowels, and sexual health. Think of the pelvic floor as the base of your pelvis, helping to maintain essential body functions and overall stability.

What can go wrong?

When your pelvic floor muscles don’t function properly, it can lead to several common issues, including:

  • Incontinence: Leaking urine or bowel contents.

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse: A sensation of heaviness, dragging or bulge in the lower abdomen, pelvis, or vagina.

  • Chronic Pelvic Pain: associated with conditions such as endometriosis or discomfort during intercourse.

  • Chronic Constipation and Bowel Issues: disrupting daily life and increasing risk for prolapse.

  • Birth Injuries and Pre/Postnatal Complications: Including difficulties with recovery after childbirth.

If you're experiencing these symptoms or aren’t sure if pelvic floor dysfunction is an issue, feel free to contact me over on Instagram via DM. Together, we can explore the causes and discuss your next steps.

Even if you have no symptoms while pregnant, all women benefit from preparing their pelvic floor for birth, to reduce the risk of these very common complications after birth.

To start taking the first step towards strengthening and preparing your pelvic floor for birth, download my free birth toolkit, packed with resources.


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